Samstag, 7. Februar 2015

Patience can suck my ovaries

So look, here’s the deal . I’ll be 30 soon but I still find myself in a place of “What am I doing here?” “Am I doing the right things?” and “Am I doing enough?”.

Because to be honest – it sure doesn’t feel like that. I have the same insecurities that I had years ago and I feel like I am stuck with the same problems – just in different versions. But back then, in my early twenties, I only had problems. NOW, get that – now I have problems with having problems. Because it seems like the world expects me to have it all figured out by now. Why am I not on this or that track? Is there even a track? Where is the consistency? Don’t you know where you’re going?

Comparison is the theft of joy so I am not gonna go with that argument but still, I find myself being annoyed with my progress or lack thereof – in conjunction with my age. And I am unsure whether I should wallow in “everything used to be better” or find comfort in “it gets better”. I probably should take the middle route. But that still leaves me at “some things used to be better and some things will be better”. Just NOW is never good.

And even the goddess of life. .. Brené Brown, who talked about this “never enough” plot, even from her I get that vibe (with this absolutely amazing quote “man in the arena” that she promotes by Theodore Roosevelt) that I have to go so far further out. To do the things, you know? But I don’t feel it…

I don’t know. I am fighting very hard, believe me, I am fighting so hard to be positive with every resource – I adjusted my nutrition, I adjust what videos on YouTube I watch, what books and articles I read, I surround myself with positive people, I use mindbloom and smile every day, I remind myself to be authentic and helpful and loving and caring, I go to the gym, I take care of my nails, I make my bed, I look into the sun – and it makes a difference. But it is not enough to get me on a level where I can say “I am fine". The farthest I ever got was “I am okay”.

My dear friend Aline told me once I have to get up and attack the day. She meant I had to force the universe to give me the fucking best and I would give my fucking best back. But I am lacking opportunities. I have a really hard time finding them. It might be the German mindset or it might be me. Maybe I should pray more often. So I am gonna try that

Dear universe - please hear me:
I want to give you my fucking best. And you and me both know that that is A LOT. It is so much, you would be freaking blown away. But I need you to give me an opportunity. I promise I will check all doors I see, heck, even the windows, but you have to open one for me. And you really should hurry because patience can suck my ovaries. I am almost 30. I’m in a hurry.